Friday, September 5, 2008

Ancestors [2008]Neptune With Fire

"Everything about Ancestors’ debut, Neptune with Fire, screams “'70s prog,” from the title and cover art that reference King Crimson’s In the Wake of Poseidon to the two epic-length tracks contained therein that just beg to stretch across the two sides of a 180-gram vinyl LP. And of course any metal band with two full-time members responsible for electric organ and “textural incarnations” is bound to have a healthy appreciation for the psychedelic spaciness of Hawkwind and early Pink Floyd. Ancestors build Neptune With Fire on a series of simple, heavy guitar licks, jammed out ad infinitum. They aim for cosmic highs through repetition and atmosphere, but the album connects most when they’re focusing on nothing more transcendent than a great doom riff."

I see this as easily being one of my favorite albums of '08.
Snag it off Tee Pee Records or All That Is Heavy, I think the latter is cheaper though.


Pat said...

Thank you for this gem of a album

Anonymous said...

This is awesome. Thanks for the recommendation.