Sunday, January 11, 2009

Boris: Absolutego [Low Freq. Mix]

Blow Out Your Speakers, We're Coming Back

2]Dronevil 2



Ande_S said...

Lacrimejantes greetings!
Our Blog Tear Psicodélica 1 is now in the following address:
We count on its aid to bring up to date and to divulge ours link…

It knows our radio that this being transmitted in High Definition (HD)

With a programming made by all we of the Tear and the partners!
We are searching partners to transmit our programming.

This PARTNERSHIP functions thus: Partners:
You place our to player in its Blog.
We divulge the Blog or Site in our programming and the programs special of the week ends;

Would be an honor you it in this day email for contact and

Fort I hug and much Rock N Roll
Team tear

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